Step foot into a private oasis and have your troubles drift far away with any one of our massage options. Simply to relax, or target tension, we have the perfect massage just for you.
Choose between an express 30 minute option that focusses on the back, neck & shoulders, or a more lengthy full body massage lasting up to 90 minutes.
Deep Pressure
Need a little bit more pressure? Our Esthetician will incorporate deeper movements utilizing their forearms and elbows to target tight areas and encourage their release for a full 60 minutes.
Using a highly concentrated CBD infused massage oil from our retail partner, Delush, to bring you the ultimate relaxing and deeply therapeutic full body massage for lasting a full 60 minutes.
Hot Stone
A wonderfully relaxing massage that adds an additional element of pressure with the added benefit of heat to further relax tired and stiff muscles over the course of a 75 minute treatment.
Add On's
CBD Massage Oil
Add on Delush's highly concentrated CBD infused massage oil onto any massage option to further increase the relaxation and therapeutic benefits.
Recommended Products
CBD Tiger Balm & More
Take home a highly concentrated CBD roll on formula from our retail shelves that encourages deep relaxation, alleviates tight and stiff muscles, joint pain and calms inflammation. More options like Bath Bombs, Body Scrubs and Butters are available for purchase in store and online.
